Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Geographies of social difference workshop report Essay

Geographies of Social Difference Spring 2014 ASSIGNMENT 1. WORKSHOP REPORT Question 1. -712470229235Figure (1)Unemployed people as percentage of the labour force, Sydney, 2006. Source: ABS 2006, p.44-45 -808355666750Figure (2)People not fluent in English as a percentage of the total population aged 5 years and over, Sydney, 2006. Source: ABS 2006, p.30-31 -876300494665Figure (3)Low income Households with a gross weekly income less than $500, as a percentage of all households. Sydney, 2006. Source: ABS 2006, pp.66-67 Question 2, Map 1. Map 1: [Figure 2, People not fluent in English as a percentage of the total population aged 5 years and over, Sydney, 2006] (a) Compare the spatial pattern of the map to the map of†¦show more content†¦Sydney, 2006.] Compare the spatial pattern of the map to the map of unemployment. Does the map share the same spatial pattern as unemployment (i.e. do the areas of high and low concentration match)? Describe the similarities and differences in the spatial pattern. Figure (1) and Figure (3) have similar spatial patterns of unemployment and low income households. Both unemployment and low income are common in the central western parts of Sydney (Blacktown) and also South Western parts of Sydney such as Campbelltown and also leading into the inner western and eastern suburbs such as Villawood and Claymore (ABS, 2006). These maps show similarities as unemployment often results in individuals living off low income. b) Explain why your map shares (or does not share) a similar spatial pattern to the map of unemployment. Figure (1) and Figure (3) have similar spatial patterns as unemployment and low income correlate with each other. Both unemployment and low income are prevalent specifically in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Individuals who earn low incomes are left with little to no amounts of discretionary income, hence why they reside in areas within Western Sydney as estate is more affordable to buy or rent in comparison to other regions such as Northern Sydney Question 3: The map of unemployment shows that some areas of Sydney experience higher levels of unemployment compared to the rest of Sydney. Identify and explain the changes that have taken place inShow MoreRelatedThe Wage Gap Between Men And Women1689 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction In the beginning of the semester, during the first day of class we were asked what were some social problems that bothered us, interested us, or something we wanted to learn more about. The first thing I thought of was equal pay between men and women. With the ratification of the 19th amendment, women became legally equal to men. Then in 1963, the Equal Pay Act was passed yet. Yet today, the wage gap between men and women still exists. 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